Monday, May 2

Random musings

Today I'm feeling melancholic. Why? Maybe it's abba, Michael Jackson and Elton John's fault.

Humans are by nature social beings. We can't stand being alone. And it's a tall order at times since we can be alone even in a crowd. The desire to associate, and be associated with is not quenched my mere physical proximity. I used to be better at this. I used to watch movies all alone and get lost in my thoughts of a world not anything like this, and even in that world I'd be alone. Alone but respected, admired and loved. Can't do that anymore. Always itching for company. Crap. Crap crappity crap.

On a less sad note, I started this sentence not knowing how I was going to end it. I suspect I'll become really good at thinking on my feet one day. Introducing created topics flawlessly. I hope it won't coincide with the loss of my innocence, my deeply rooted hate for lying.

Apart from "sacrifice" and "can you feel the love tonight", I've forwarded through Elton John's songs. His songs define melancholy.

Glass and black. Transparency and opaqueness. I like the contradiction. Just wait until I'm rich enough to hire an interior designer and still have money left over to buy what she recommends. Yes, must be a she. Don't ask why.


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