Monday, June 27

Early Monday Morning Rant

You know what I find impressive? That a perfect stranger can hold my concentration in chat for more than 6 hours without the conversation straying to that annoying topic of sex. Like going to the gym, its a fantastic thing to do but a lousy thing to talk about. I found that positively invigorating.

Sadly, part of my life has to do with a community where few people are capable of actually engaging in social discourse for the sake of getting to know each other without discussing the very finite possibilities of what can go on in the bedroom. This is in stark contrast with the aesthetic qualities of the said community. Yes, I went there.

Moving on, the weekend was cold and wet, which inevitably made me think about love, and how it tends to dull the senses - blinds the eyes and insulates the skin from cold. I could use some, or just buy some chocolate and make myself a hot cup of coffee. Yep, I think that will work - the chocolate, not the love.

So here comes the work week, that 5-day break in between weekends. This is an important week, at the end of it I get paid, and I also make some life altering changes to my life. Wish me luck.


Life altering changes? isn't that drastic? all the best. You asked for it.

They're the good kind, least for me. I think.

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