Monday, July 4

Strike Three, You're Out!

All three of them had something intriguing.

Number One, sadly underage by my standards, was simply beautiful complete with almost perfect hair and Egyptian-looking eyes giving a perfect exotic look.

Number Two was HOT. From the eyes to the lips to the body (a sneak peak confirmed no patent devil in those details) to the attitude. I was dazed, mesmerized, discombobulated even. But having passed the looks test with honours, a secondary test was instantly triggered. More about that later.

Number Three just looked good, but something about the [almost] innocent smile, the perfect shyness, the blush, the newness to the scene and the apparent unavailability (despite the willingness to chat) had my attention.

Did I mention Number One is underage? And given the circumstances of our previous meeting, I really didn't have interest beyond looking at the sheer beauty. Number Three does not elicit permanent or deep interest but I'd like to see where the conversation goes. I got a facebook friend request not 10 minutes into the conversation. Unavailable my dead grandmother.

Number Two, however. And no, I didn't mis-punctuate. For those who know me [and what I mean], that's a complete statement right there. But as I said, a secondary test was triggered. It's a safety test. Looks that good can kick the reasoning out of my door, but before the rationale leaves, the test of reciprocity must be conducted. Eye contact was made, severally, and a platonic compliment delivered. Results for part 1 of the test, no mismatched ego detected.

Part 2 of the test is a memory test. It's the more difficult stage since the first part looks for passive reciprocity while the second looks for the business end of the quality. I'm very sure that some of you (the audience) will disagree with this test, but I know some of you will know perfectly well why it has to be there. Number Two made an impression on me, and if that impression was reciprocated, the memory of me should trigger an attempt at contact. Simply put, a friend request must be received for any level of pursuit on my part.

Until then, I will selectively forget the details of that party. I also met my ex and my replacement. Lovely couple, that one. I discovered [created] a new cocktail of which the only non-alcoholic ingredient is ice. Potent, but despite the quantity taken, it had no perceptible effect on me. I got home at noon the following day, despite the party having been typical.

I need July to be a quiet month. It's the second half of the year, and I need time to think.


Hmm n d soap opera continues....number two and three??

Two hasn't sent yet passed the test and the third soap opera has ended happily for all parties. Season two might be considered.

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