Thursday, June 23

De Ja Beau

Ever had that de-ja-beau feeling? Don't know what that is? It's when you suddenly realize that a few seconds before, you'd seen a pretty person but were too absent minded to take in all the detail. So you look round frantically trying to locate them. I get them all the time when I'm on the road or in malls. I hate it when that de-ja-beau feeling turns out to be false i.e. they turn out not to really good looking after all.

Stop looking for meaning. There's no particular point to this post.

I've had a random discussion with a bright mind just recently on a most interesting topic - me! Until today, I've been going around thinking I'm a realist, turns out I'm a realist leaning to pessimism! I always knew my cynicism would sell me out one day. 

Even my boss knows I'm a cynic. This one time I was going to get a performance evaluation and the first thing my boss says when I walk in is "You don't always have to be a cynic". I disagree, cynicism has it's everything. I disagree with Desiderata on that one - being cynical about love is only practical.

Having done lots of accounts, I've internalized the prudence concept - provision for expenses beforehand and don't ever account for revenue before receipt. Elsehow said, take worst case at cost, and best case at NBV (net book value for those who didn't do or pass any accounts exams). But I also do believe that there is hope, that the light at the end of the tunnel is not necessarily an oncoming train, or the pearly gates.

I like to judge people from sheer intuition, without being prejudiced by facts.

Some people are pissed not so much because they have it bad but because so many others have it just as good.

Blogs are from the devil - what else single handedly derives such inspiration from anger and hate?


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