Tuesday, June 21

Place irrelevant heading here

I had a dream. One of those funny ones about finding love. I smiled cynically, you know one of those smiles which is just that little bit tilted to one side. But of course one must never interrupt a dream, fears and hopes may be illusions, but they energize the soul and inspire the mind. I forget the details of the dream, but that's ok, you know I'm a firm believer in the devil being in the details.

Productivity is at an all time low this week. I'm not busy. I've heard a few inspired moments of productivity but no emergencies seem to have scheduled themselves for this week so I'm lacking the inspiration that only that last minute has.

What's the point of this post? None, really. I once heard that old people don't bother making points, there's no point to it. But....

I was thinking the other day about my weekends. I think I've been going down the wrong path. All this started when I briefly entertained the thought that anyone else other than me could be right. You see, my friends are normal, to a certain extent. They do normal fun weekend stuff, and they thought it would be good for me to try the same. Terrible idea. I get frustrated by the things that tickle other people's fancy (PS, if this is what triggers your understanding of my blog title, GET OUT. You're lost. And you must have missed out on a lot I said).

I did only one interesting thing this weekend - I read a novel at a mall while looking at the eye candy. Out of more than two hours of "reading", I only covered 10 pages - lots of eye candy. I think I need to be doing that more often. The more I look at beautiful people, the less vain I feel.

So I've decided to "tweak" my weekends. It's all about me, isn't it? I mean, I spend my week working for myself and for others, so let me spend the weekend entertaining myself, right? Actually, don't answer that, its rhetorical. I have a few ideas about what to do over the next few weekends. And since I'm psychic, I know that chief amongst them will be to snap at people who tell me to "have a life" or "live a little".

I've been reading a 100 year old novel and watching a mini series that spans 50 years. I think there's one or two things about them that can be shared here.


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