Friday, June 3


I'm on leave.....for just two days but it had me thinking. Leave is a word close to my heart, almost as close as no. Now I don't get to say it often enough.....mostly because I don't make too many mistakes and even the few ones I make are corrected by a no long before the word leave is necessary.

So I'm boring? I know I don't live up to your idea of interesting. I'm sorry, I beg you forgiveness. I mean, how dare I? So very inconsiderate of me.

What might come as an absolute shocker is that I find your idea of fun to be a catastrophic waste of time, tantamount to downright debauchery and equalled only by the most famous tragedies of our time. That I don't run away screaming.........for a gun to shoot you followed by me......just to make sure I didn't have to live through it, is proof of my sheer magnanimity.

The point is, every one is entitled to their own notion of fun, and I have mine. I like the lazy approach to fun......let the fun find me. I like them movies and them coffee lounges and them road trips and all those things I do. I don't like going out, worrying, binge drinking, taking weird fetish risks like most of the rest of the populace.

So let's examine what it is that leads them "interesting" people to call me boring. If what I'm doing is boring, here's a bright idea, actually true epiphany. LEAVE. Go and follow your contemporary cliche ideas of fun and leave me the heck alone. I agree that what I'm doing is boring......because you're here saying it's so and I have been too transfixed to give you alternative things for you to do with your bite on a cushion and find an appropriately rusted barbed wire to lean on while I live my life.

I have friends who either put up with what I'm doing and shut up, or are twisted enough to actually enjoy the moribund activity which I've chosen for the day. Live a little? Fucking leave me alone a little.

Could it be that these interesting people find my company nice to be around? If so, why are they trying to change what they enjoy? Decide.

But wait. I know boring people, one or two here and there. Maybe I should go sound time with them telling them that they're boring. Oh wait, I find that kind of stuff boring. Oh well, they have to live without the benefit of my undeniable incredibly indispensable words of wisdom.


I've stopped the random thoughts segment, the producer was weighed on the scales and found wanting.


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