Sunday, June 19

Early Sunday Rant - Please Do Not Read

Time is the yin and the yan of love, simultaneously it's greatest desire and it's greatest undoing.

No, this is not a love post, just a thought that crossed my mind this Sunday morning. Those in love crave for time with their loved one, and yet it's time that eventually is their undoing. Til death do us part? In this day and age, it's more like til time do us part.

Ever feel like life is a treadmill? Clocking miles but only hypothetically? Covering vast distances but the view doesn't change? Like jumping off is the way to freedom? Well, I don't have that feeling. My life's been very dynamic these last few years but I always wonder what life will feel like when the plateau phase reaches. Well, I have years to find out, and with any luck, decades. Wealth does many wonders, including the illusion of dynamism.

Steven Spielberg is a genius. I think I need to watch a boring movie of his.


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