Saturday, September 3

Failed Social Experiment

Lesbians are not as fun as they seem from far, they're so human. I had the chance to hang out with a bunch of them but I guess the mix was steeped not to work out too well for me.

I learnt one thing, where human being have differences and diversity, all these are based on the basic principles that make us human. Such as love, attraction and lust. I know, quite primal, but the list is inexhaustive.

I realise I'm inclined to enjoy the company of a select few, and no more. There was no incentive to talk to anyone, and this is in my house. So of course I called for social reinforcements.

The thing with me is that I don't pursue lost causes, I must have a reasonable expectation of victory for me to bother, and I honestly did not see myself having successful conversation with this group.

Well, that's one social experiment which I won't be repeating.

I need to do a post on the human capacity for evil. I visited the kigali genocide memorial and I was almost moved to tears, not by the sheer capacity for evil exhibited by the hutu but in most part by this statement said in the darkest hours of Rwanda - "save a single soul and you save the world entire". This was said by a person in the face of death. Staggering stuff. More on that in a separate post.

I can't hide discontent, I think my guests have noticed and might be making plans to leave, or maybe its not true, just wishful thinking. Oh well, I guess I'd better post and strategize their exit.


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