Friday, September 23

Social Dilemma

Do you know there's a dilemma about how to spell dilemma? Is it dilemma or dilemna? I've always known that it was dilemna without question and now I'm told that I'm wrong with a consolation that I'm not alone. Anyway, this is irrelevant.

I've been presented with yet another opportunity to make a meaningful social relationship out of someone I met a while ago. And I will squander it. You see, those of you who don't have gut instincts can never know how compelling these can be. My guts rarely ever lead me wrong. Two years back I'd have said without fear of contradiction that my gut instincts have NEVER led me wrong. Time has made me wiser. But statistically, my guts tend to know more than my rational self. And my guts tell me that there is something amiss in the set up I've been presented with this time.

Now, don't get me wrong, there is nothing overtly wrong with this person, nothing my mind can wrap itself around anyway. But I get the feeling that the facade is not a long term facade. We're all vain, but human decency demands that we must be consistent with our pretenses. Character is just what pretenses we are willing to defy time and chance over. Ok, in this I admit I am hopelessly pessimistic. In fact, I'm so pessimistic that I think I'm being a realist.

Anyway, a friend of mine says he's watching this like a soap opera. I guess I'll also wait to see how it concludes. Will they get married and live happily ever after? F*ck no, it's not that kind of a soap. Why is it that people have difficulty believing I can make an effort to establish a platonic friendship?


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