Yesterday evening I was chatting with a friend of mine and voila, I randomly engaged in that very interesting physical activity which it tiring and sweaty but leaves you feeling so darn satisfied. Yes, I went to the gym.
Now, I’m not overly fat although I have to admit I’m less than fit by more than a few points. Nevertheless, I don’t have this pressing need to lose weight. You’re right, what weight. But I like the idea of working out for a few reasons. Facing the challenge builds discipline. If you can keep up the habit despite your body’s protests, what else shouldn't you be able to do without your body’s express consent?
It does wonders to the biology of the body. From my experience, I get a healthier appetite and require less hours of sleep with consistent working out. That, of course, might have changed since the last time I worked out.
Working out also revitalizes the spirit. This may be related to the other two points but just one work out yesterday made me feel on top of the world, no pun intended.
A few experiences made this a bit different from other work outs I’ve heard in the past. For one, I had a trainer taking me through the ropes. So after cycling 4km and running two, this particular trainer targeted muscles I’d forgotten I have. Thank God the sets are limited to three. One more set and I’d have been crying for mummy.
I got into the sauna - very interesting experience. I hate heat and I hate humidity. So why, pray tell, would they make a place that artificially creates both for the human body? It was a horrible experience. A few more times and I'll be done with it for life. After such a work out and very few part of my body are aching a day later, it had to be the sauna.
Then I come out of the sauna and my 22 year old trainer steps out of the shower butt naked (or nekd, as my friend says). And he’s not in a hurry to cover himself. For five random minutes he galavants his exposed self in the changing room. At this point I should clarify that we were alone in the room.
I’ve been brought out with a certain healthy respect for privacy and nothing gets more private than “private parts”. To be so accosted out of the blues was a grand violation of my notion of indecent exposure. Now I’ll be the first to admit that you can’t indecently expose something decent, but I’m still not convinced on the decency of this particular exposure.
Thirst. No, not that. The sauna allegedly makes you lose 1 litre of water through sweat for every two minutes you’re in that darned place. I didn’t believe that so I googled it. Apparently, an average person loses between 0.5 and 1.5 litres of water for a 15 minutes session. That’s more credible. So I was thirsty. I normally don’t like drinking water but I was gulping glass after glass.
A perfectly well formed body. That’s what staying in a gym does to a normal human being. Too bad it doesn’t change the face for the better. My life would have been that much more hard. For the wise.
Moving on, due to the proliferation of android based phones in the Kenyan market, I had an interesting experience yesterday. A friend of mine invited me to a chat group on a web-based SMS program. This group had 10 people, nine of whom I knew. And they were having a sex chat. So here I was seeing some otherwise innocent people talking about the most debasing things. I knew the moment I'd step in most of them would not be free to chat so I just read and hushed. Most interesting.
I hurt my back. Isn't it interesting how 40 sit ups can make me go to work the following day at noon and a weekend of lifting a 55kg weight for an hour doesn't incapacitate me one bit? The difference is motivation I guess. Ego plays its part. This paragraph is another for the wise.
Random thought - Chips and chicken. 60 kgs - that's what I weight yesterday.
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