Definitely not an exhaustive list:
Daffodils - they are resplendent in gayness. a severe lack of masculinity, love for colour, sense of fashion, and no concerns with negative public perception of their lifestyle. They are bold. They have self esteem and are frequently choosy but they easily fall prey to basic psychological tactics. They are also emotional. Being gay is a lifestyle. The pictures they have on facebook is their 'fabulous' selves and 'hot' celebrities.
Career gays - these ones are hardly colourful. They would like to be. Their chief trait is that they have found the totality of their identity and life purpose in their sexuality. Being gay is what they do, who they are and how they live. Its not a trait, a sexuality or a lifestyle. The don't fall prey to psychology, that's beyond them. They frequently lack self esteem but not to the point of not taking insult at patent abuse. The pictures they have on facebook are of naked men.
Professional gays - sssshhhhh, not so loud. They live and grow and learn and work like any other person. In fact, they tend to be ambitious. But they don't love like 'normal', they are gay. It's a sexuality to them, a trait. Nothing more. Frequently on the DL, frequently pressured by society to marry and have kids, frequently marry and have kids, frequently butch and manly, and are most likely to have issues with their sexuality. The pictures they have on facebook are of their normal social lives.
Gay proper - this is a balanced group. They live their life but are definitely not ashamed of who (what?) they are. A careful eye will not be deceived. The pictures they have are dynamic, ranging from their gay selves to hot celebrities to the occasional bare-chested individual. Quite similar to Daffodils, but a decibel quieter, less emphasis on colour and more on being true to their sexual nature.
All men are born equal. And all men have the right to be what they want to be, a right mitigated only by the collective rights of others. It is unnecessary, presumptuous, wrong and discriminatory to label. Men are human beings, not cans.
Random thought - I must do a sequel entitled Classes of men - the 99 others.
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