Ok, not really, but I got your attention, didn’t I? And a perfect excuse to upload a pic.
Now that I have your attention, the saying is that success is 99% perspiration and 1% inspiration but I think I differ on the percentages. My reason is simply. Success does seem to have a correlation with hard work but does not clearly guarantee results, and neither can it boast to be an essential ingredient. I see impoverished lean people on the streets whose glistening bodies evidence hard work while the opulent only acquire the same sweaty profiles in gyms and saunas.
Hear ye, hear ye, there comes the troops saying it depends on how you define hard work and success. Lets try simple definitions – hard work is what gets you really tired (physically or otherwise) and most people will shy away from while success is wealth/unlimited access to the things that make life worth while.
By that definition I think those properly called labourers work pretty hard while those called executives don't break a sweat on a daily basis. And yet who has less limitations in accessing the things we all seek? Rhetoric.
Inspiration on the other hand is less discriminative of cadres. I get more done in one inspired hour than in an otherwise busy day. My employer has wisened up to my ways and leaves me to my devices. He knows I need time to work up the inspiration to give him what he needs to impress his clients. He knows I need time to work up the inspiration to get what I need to impress his clients.
I agree, hard work and success can be defined in other ways. But could everyone please stop implying that appearing busy will ultimately unlock success?
Ok, lets really talk about sex
Male or female? Got you again, didn’t I?
I recently read a blog that asserted that all men are driven by the quest for sex. I disagree, I think its just most men. And I also think its not really sex, it’s the conquest that sex means. Explains why the harder the target, the greater the urge to have it.
Yeah, that’s all I have to say on the matter. No positions, no names, no statistics and no personal confessions.
Not so random thought - Coitus. Copulate.
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