So am in this meeting, right? We've arrived late and the client starts going on and on about how we and the other advisor in the room are not taking it seriously. As in he's getting really worked up.
Ok? And here are the two reactions I observed from the two culprits. The other advisor gives excuses and takes this hard stand saying he's not at fault. Come to think of it, this is how kids do it too. This aggravates the client further and his voice has become shaky. I call it embarrassing anger, you know, that one you know you're making an ass out of yourself but you don't care coz venting it feels just so damn sweet - kinda like taking a stubborn crapper, you don't even dare look at your phone at that point.
And my boss? He apologizes. This despite the fact that he has a flawless track record of attendance unlike the other chap.....except today of course. And he lays on the apology thick. You know those ones where the only option left is for the other person to say "it's ok". Yeah, that one. The client calms down, you can see the gauge falling, like when you switch off the car and they tumble smoothly from loss of potency (or even like how someone walks in on you when you're 'busy' and you go all flacid.
Then he proposes measures to take to ensure that it's convenient for everyone to meet without inconveniencing each other. Then he explains his lateness. The client is happy. The meeting starts.
I'm almost sure the meeting couldn't have taken off with those two going for each others' throats.
I have to say, my boss has it in him. I like my boss. He bought me a sandwich too.
And I like my housemate too for buying 20 litres of fuel for me.....or rather, on my behalf..... since I have to pay him back COG. I can breath easy.
Lesson learnt. Humility is not embarrassing if its tactful. And you need humility in business. Even the shrewdest businessman sucks up, a lot.
I'm left wondering if I have what it takes to make it big, in business. Can't I just buy some real estate on the moon and retire to making myself sandwiches?
Random thought - I know what blogging is - its talking to random people about topics you're passionate about oblivious, in most cases, to the reaction of their audience. Kinda like what street preachers do.
..street preaching, yes u got that right,lol!
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