Your enemies rarely take you for granted. If they do, either you deserve it, or they won't be around much longer to take you for granted again. Your acquaintances rarely take you for granted. If they do, they are easily dismissed with the contempt they deserve.
Your friends on the other hand. They occupy that strategic place in your life which allows them the opportunity to take advantage of you. The ones who do it without knowing are both better and worse. They're better because they do it inadvertently, they're not making you a tool deliberately. They're worse because they don't understand the inevitable knee jerk reaction to being used. After long enough, you'll just have to snap, and they have the audacity to take offense. Few care enough (or have the acumen) to have multifaceted insight into the small conflicts that occur in society.
The ones who do it knowingly don't deserve the knee jerk reaction, they need instant reclassification. If you don't think that any of your friends can do this, you need only check out two areas of social interaction - mind games and back biting. There you'll find you culprits, devilishly gifted at disarming you with a smiling.
Thank God for relatives. Your relatives will almost always take you for granted, but that's what they're there for, they were pre-determined for the sole purpose of making sure that your friends taking you for granted doesn't come as a surprise.
Here's to not being surprised when friends take you for granted, and to us having the courage to do what we must, and to God, for giving us relatives to teach us a thing or two about how callous human beings can be.
No, I'm not writing this out of recent personal experience. And no, I'm also not purporting never to have made the mistake of expecting better from my friends. I'm just saying what's crossed my mind. Because I can.
The former reason sounds more like it. For this post ie.
Makes one rethink their past, both recent and long-gone.
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