Thursday, October 27

For no apparent reason I'll tell you what I've been watching of late. Steve Spielberg, mostly. He seems to have decided movies aren't the in thing, and that series are. So he has these interesting series out, the latest being Terra Nova. This one about a modern day community put in the middle of nowhere in the age of dinosaurs. Characteristic of him, he makes it not be all about dinosaurs. That man knows how to spin a tale.

Then of course Walking Dead has made a comeback. I find it to be the most captivating series this year. It's about this band of people surviving in a post apocalyptic earth trying to not be bitten by zombies. Such series have a place in my heart, wherever that one is.

I have an ulterior motive for saying all that, and I'll buy anyone lunch who can tell me what that motive is. And I promise not to cheat on that.

Anyway, I've just come from chatting with an idiot. I mean, can anyone be more transparent about their "hidden agenda"? I suspected their motive from hello. But I pretended to be the imbecile I'm not coz I had some spare time. Suffices to say I'm not interested in seeing that thru.

Oh, and over the last one month I think I've impressed myself by sticking to at least one resolve, that of not hitting on someone I'd otherwise be attracted to. And eventually they buckled, and I've still continued to ignore them. Why? Coz I can, and cause my ego doesn"t like repeat bruising.


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