Over a month. I'm cured. Sh*t, I'm here again.
To the point, I’ve been playing “how did you meet ‘this one’” with various friends and acquaintances and it got me thinking nothing can surprise me; I've had it all.
Sadly some stories are tragically short. Take for example this one:
– I met this one on facebook. One of us added the other, the other accepted, we met a few times, a friend may have been involved and VOILA, here we are.
Or I met this one on facebook too. One of us added the other, the other accepted, we met a few times, a friend of a friend may have been involved and VOILA, where are we? *remove 'friend'*
Or I met this one through a friend, a random happenstance off the streets of Nairobi and before I knew it, there was a friend request, an acceptance and VOILA.
Others are more interesting; like this one:
-I saw this one on facebook, liked the little I saw, sent a request so I could see more, liked most of what more I saw, hit on them like it'd been a while, met them, saw them kissing someone ugly and VOILA, here we are, and no further.
Or I stumbled on this one on the streets of Nairobi talking to a friend, double clicked the like button, did weird magical search things on facebook, found the profile and before long there was an adding, an accepting, a chasing, a catching, a living happily ever after limited edition, a breaking up, a brief awkwardness, a good getting along, and VOILA.
Or I met this one back then when there was only internet, before they became all up in your face in malls and shit, when there was little choice and before ‘the beautiful ones were born’; there was a meeting, a getting bored, a keeping in touch, a good getting along and VOILA, people throwing bff-shit our way.
Or I stumbled on this one in a mall, with a friend, was smitten but naïve, got a text the following day, got caught up in a love triangle the following weekend, was given a choice, made an even better choice, a there we were, a flying out, a getting pissed at the world and swearing ‘never again’, a keeping in touch, warm feelings, and VOILA, here we’re not.
Others are downright tragic; like these ones
-I met this one through the internet, I wasn’t moved one bit, a friend was involved, things got messy, I got me a stalker, I cut myself off from society, and VOILA, living in fear every day.
And I met this one, I fought the temptation to run, we talked, I rolled my eyes every time I blinked, it was over before long, I walked away and VOILA, I’m never looking back.
And I met this one through a dear friend, we got along like a pair of parrots, we hunted together, he got all the good ones I wanted, I got jealous, I got mad, I found an excuse, I didn’t talk to him for a year, I felt good, I accepted a friend request, and VOILA, I make sure to include ‘not interested in him” as part of my criteria for a good one.
And I met this one on mig, I liked, someone else got them first, I moved on, they were heart broken, I moved in to ‘console’, I got rejected, I looked at them again, sang best thing I never had inside, and VOILA, facebook chat once every few months.
And I met this one through a friend, I liked, was liked back, a friend was involved, I learnt I was confused, got even more confused, we did something silly together, we moved on and forgot, and VOILA, who the hell was I thinking about?
Looking back, all this teaches me one thing, never judge an “I met..” until you head “…and VOILA”.
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