Monday, May 30
Rumours of a weekend gone by
Friday, May 27
Blogging on the go
While having breakfast today morning, I started thinking about the difference in writing style that is responsible for the slow pace in which my current assignment is moving.
Imagine 6 people among them 3 lawyers, one chief operations officer of a bank and a financial analyst sitting round a table reviewing a 100 page document.
Enter day 2 of phase 2 of drafting and I'm inspired to describe something to you.
Its maroon in colour and is 3.5 feet high. It measures 1.5 feet in diameter at the top tapering to one foot at the bottom. It has several zigzag lines running from top to bottom separated by an uneven half a foot. Four bamboo sticks protrude from its open top and we can therefore assume that it contains some substance such as soil in which the bamboo sticks stand. The bamboo stick vary from 1 to 2 inches in diameter and 4 to 6 feet in visible height.
Painted an accurate picture? maybe, maybe not. Differences in writing style, perception priorities and prejudices make for different sentence structures and choice of words. Now imagine the different views 6 professionals can have when it comes to a 100 page document meant for public consumption.
Enter freaking day 2.
Wednesday, May 25
Of Exes & Whys
I've had two relationships in my life, both very fulfilling, and both building a special bond that subsists to the present. Now, I don't date readily, commitment to something as devious and varied as a human being requires a complex mental/psychological process for which most 'suitors' are disqualified permanently ab initio.
Unlike most people, the idea of emotional commitment is not a belated product of pubescent chemical imbalances but a premeditated concept which I have often considered from pre-adolescent times - ever since becoming self-aware, I dare say. I won't go into the details of how I was brought up with a very biased and adverse opinion on emotions and their expression but I believe that shaped my premature cynicism for 'love'.
Anyway, the point is, I have always 'known' (read believed) that I'd always be alone. Even in my innocence I knew the world would have a tough time moulding someone to satisfy me enough to extract some level of conscious emotional commitment. So I've always 'known' I'd be alone and the concept of loneliness which so apparently plagues a significant portion people in their 20s (actually the age qualifier is an illusion) is virtually non-existent in me. I welcome the idea, but I do not suffer from it's lack of fruition. I therefore find the lack of entanglement acceptable, maybe even desirable.
Back to the point. Those two individuals are exceptional for having broken the norm, but I'm wiser, and I know if (a large if) there is a next one, one or two things will be different. Going back in time I am not sure I'd make the same choices but I'm definitely the richer for having met them. They say better to have loved and lost.
Unlike most people I know, I have no legacy issues with my exes, I do not find fault in our relationship or in them and I cherish the post break-up moments (not sex, I've never had break-up sex). Of course the usual fights and disagreements are present, both during and after. We get along for this reason - there's a reason why we dated. Am I hangovered? Not really, because in the same breathe I'll say - there's a reason it ended.
What's the secret to not having issues with your exes? I'm not sure, but I think knowing what you want before dating, and keeping in mind that there's a reason you broke up is a start. Don't rush into a commitment, get to know what it's all about, don't compromise on your standards. But I think above all, don't date someone you don't respect as an matter how good the other stuff is.
Monday, May 23
Angel behind ancient demon mask
We grow up with fairy tale notions, even the best of us. I can still remember back in the "good old innocent naive days" when I would boldly proclaim that loans are for the weak-willed with a pompous more-disciplined-than-thou smug look of my (then more appealing) face. I've since learnt a few.
I once inquired how my parents (read mother) brought us up with a fraction of my first salary. I attributed it to discipline and self sacrifice anchored on a mothers love. True, there's an element of that, but that's not how they did it. You know how they did it? Y'all who don't come from humble backgrounds won't know this. They did it by paying that so called impatience tax which I so fervently condemned in my ignorance.
I should have started by explaining what I mean by impatience tax. You see, lending institutions do not give you money you don't have, they give you money you don't have yet. You actually can collect all the money you borrow just by waiting a significant fraction of the time it will take you to repay. So, since the world might end soon, you take your future income now and pay impatience tax at the prevailing rates and directly proportional to the length of time you were unwilling to wait.
For now let's not mention that saving requires a bit more than the average human is able (read willing) to endure. Let's not even mention the psychic nature of financial emergencies that seem to know when you've accumulated enough to afford them. And let's not mention that personal use asset that grows more resplendent pro rata to the growth of your savings.
The point is, if you fit the [humble background but educated] bill, your parents borrowed. Heavily, repeatedly, mercilessly, religiously even. So that's how they educated that bunch of misfits, and built that (mansion) of a house and got all those things that don't seem to matter to young people nowadays. Where's that freaking loan application form? PS, is a Subaru B4 a personal use or investment asset? And does how fast I drive it change the asset class? No? Oh well.
I have three more years in my revised timetable to do this right.
Random though - I met someone a few years my senior and he seems to be doing well as far as oratory skills go. C'mon balls, we have work to do.
Sunday, May 22
At worlds end - the less profound
The world ended yet again, and left us lesser gods with the aftertaste of disillusionment. I don't question my faith but I always wonder what can drive a man so far from logic, the answer eluding me from it's sheer simplicity. Humanity is not logical, and our decisions are rarely based on the dictates of reason but rather the urges of our mortal selves. Even those of us who would wish to be bound by the parameters of mathematical perfection constantly defy our better judgement by conforming to innate barbaric urges. To be human is to be flawed, and to aspire (or even assume) to be without flaw is the ultimate delusion of grandeur.
It would appear that epiphany follows the first keystroke, rather than precede it.
I realized the common thread that goes through all the characters in the Selected Seven, they seem, for the large part, to traverse the tenets of emotion to which we are all so invariably bound. Have I made sense? Perhaps not.
Random thought, - those stick on hooks, you know the kind you get from a supermarket and stick on your kitchen or bathroom wall to hold a hand towel or suchlike? Yes, that one you're picturing. That's it. That's all. That's the random thought. Random, huh?
Thursday, May 19
The Selected Seven
I promised I would not be posting today. And yet here I am. But what if I post this tomorrow? Then I won't have lied and I'll still have posted. No, seriously, this shit could be puzzling archaeologists in the distant future so I might as well give them hell.
I am an avid consumer of media, especially that of the entertaining sort. In fact, I have such an appetite that I outsourced the decision making process for the content that I consume at times. "stumbleupon" saves me having to think about the next site to visit, it was designed with a lazy browsers appetite in mind. I digress.

I like that thing he was doing in the picture, if it could work, the world's population would be at a manageable level.

Samurai X - for me he is the epitome of mastering your emotions without embracing the dark side. I think he's cooler than King Julian but I'm still going to name my first (proper) car after Julian. He's actually a bloody role model. He even uses his sword reluctantly (note for the wise).

The Architect - I came. Pardon my language. I heard him for the first time and I had an orgasm - intellectual orgasm. I didn't understand everything he said the first time and it wasn't a matter of accent. When I grow up, I want to speak like this guy.
Yeah, and that's about it. If I've forgotten anyone, they can't be that good, can they?
Random thought - he's here, he's dear. Later Shree - isn't that a weird name.
Wednesday, May 18
So today morning I made my way there for a breakfast meeting. Of course I confirmed from google maps how to get there and confirmed from someone who'd been there whether they have parking - not sure why I asked the latter, it would not be so famed if it didn't.
My thoughts on the place - not bad. Space is the ultimate luxury and they have it. It didn't strike me as any better that other hotels but then again I'm not a hotel critic. My stints in hotels is always brief and cursory. In fact, I just saw the meeting room, not enough to judge a place by.
What I found, to my delight, to be exceptional is the customers care/hospitality of the people. At the gate the guard asked very politely if he could inspect the car. They normally don't ask, even the polite ones just courteously inform you that they have to. I felt so respected. I'd have tipped him. Then before getting to the parking 4 guards gave me very informative signals on where to go (though it was mighty obvious). And then from the parking I was escorted to the lift. Damn.
Now don't get me wrong, I know people who are used to taking care of the rich and famous eventually perfect the art. But even more readily, they learn to tell the rich and famous from those who fake it till they make it. I think it's fairly clear from my car and my gait that I'm not the former. But nevertheless I got such excellent treatment.
I was right on time, just how I like it. The client was already there along with his crew and one of the top guys from the business partner. A few handshakes and moving on swiftly. I asked for a cup of coffee on sitting down and it was promptly brought. The shocker is that it was refilled without my permission. Not bad service at all. But at this level maybe they were in overkill mode due to the high profile nature of the business partner. So it's the guards hospitality that stood out.
Sankara. I may be back.
Today morning was busy. Even after the meeting I wasn't able to catch a break till past noon. I'm the type who can't sit for two hours without starting to fidget, so for me to "realize" it's past noon and I haven't taken a break meant that I was busy. I collated all my "breaks" into the afternoon. That nap after lunch was simply blissful.
I'd have retired early but the boss saw me prepping to leave at 4:30 and called me into a "2 minute" meeting with a client which actually took 40 minutes - the concept of elasticity of time. And no, it's not that it felt like 40 minutes, it was actually 40 minutes. But an issue had to be sorted out. All because people took a document which I'd clearly marked "draft for discussion" and removed the watermark and proceeded to sign. Sigh.
Random thought - Someone once told me they would like to know what I do every single waking moment. Talk about TMI and the delusions of those in love. Yes, I said it. But touching nonetheless.
Tuesday, May 17
Classes of men - the lost coin
All men are born equal. And all men have the right to be what they want to be, a right mitigated only by the collective rights of others. It is unnecessary, presumptuous, wrong and discriminatory to label. Men are human beings, not cans.
Random thought - I must do a sequel entitled Classes of men - the 99 others.
Of a blogger's block and his random musings
Speaking of pun, I realized yesterday that my mouth is the single most culpable organ when it comes to the reputation I am trying to get away from. I tend to find puns (mostly sexual) in anything that a particular group of friends say. Its reflex, I cant help it. So, coupled with a few known encountered with such people, they think that's what's running in my mind all the time. Anyway, I will try not to care.
What to write about? I think a blogger's block may be imminent. Yes, it does happen. All bloggers seem to take a few weeks or months off from writing. The block may be as a result of external factors or it may be stifled creativity, the latter in my case.
In the recent interview for the position of the Chief Justice and his deputy, one panelist's questions stuck out like a sore thumb. Lawyer Ahmednasir Abdullahi once asked an interviewee on public television whether her judgments which were written in simple English were as a result of a writing style or a personal (intellectual) limitation. And that's just one question. Most of his questions sounded like the quiet musings of a scorned literary genius with a personal vendetta. Most people say that this approach is erroneous but I disagree for two reasons.
First, if an interview is all about academic and technical qualification on the one hand and judicial reform agenda on the other, this could easily be sorted out by perusing the candidates CVs for the former and an essay question for the latter. I think the main reasons for an interview is to investigate the interpersonal touch of the candidate and their suitability in human interaction. So yes, put them on the spot. The position they want to occupy will have them questions for their decisions, approaches and even lifestyle. So lets have a sample of how they will take it, lets take a glimpse of their mettle.
Second and more relevant to me is the fact that the whole interview process was televised, live in some stations even. We all know TV is about entertainment and personally, I thought it thoroughly entertaining.....or at least I would have done so if I had the discipline to watch the darned news item. Counsel should start a show or something.
Kenyans love gossip. They hyperventilate in their search for juicy personal information. That's why a drug induced tantrum from a politician is of more concern to the nation than understanding the primary qualities that the State should be looking for in the head of the watchdog arm of government. I won't complain. Media is called the fourth arm of government and there is at least one parallel that I can draw between the media and the government proper. They say a people get the ruler (government) they deserve. It would seem that the people also get the kind of media (and content) that they want.
The old fashioned KBC approach of highlighting key state functions and development matters is irrelevant today. We want to know which politician was involved in a brawl, which minister is stealing our condoms, which take away french fries made a local celebrity runner commit suicide by jumping of his balcony on the first floor (?????), what kind of satire we can draw from the political happenings of the week, et cetera. Kenyans do love a juicy story. No wonder niger dramas have such a hold on the populace.
In keeping for their love for drama, wearing an earring and writing a thesis on gay and lesbian rights now means you're gay. I used to think that the classification was defined by sexual attraction. Why the protracted need to infer conclusions? Simple, we love a juicy story. Both sides of the divide are equally guilty, those opposed to the nominees and those in support of the nominees.
I'm guilty too. I wanted the President's nominee for Attorney General (one Dr. Githu Muigai) to get the post simply because he is the wittiest of the bunch. Just for the record, this is the guy who, while lecturing us for a constitutional law class, asked a question and receiving no volunteers to respond to it, proposed to revise the exam he had set for us and throw in some "barbed wire". Barbed wire? Something to stop the meek and hurt the persistent? Barbed wire. I need such entertainment in my news.
A local marathon champion dies after jumping off the balcony of his house, said balcony located on the first floor. A witty acquaintance surmises that, as a marathon champion, resilience was part of all his endeavours. So who says he only jumped once? WITTY!!!!!!
As I said, I lack the inspiration to write. I have nothing to blog about this morning. So darn sad.
Monday, May 16
Sunday after Friday the 13th
I have become a mutant version of my former self.
It was an interesting weekend. Saturday was ecstatic, Sunday sucked (and not gently with passion using the lips and tongue but violently with intent and using mostly the palate and the teeth), but I saved the day and broke even for the weekend.
Imagine this, you meet someone at a random social gathering. You the meet this person not so randomly on a social network. You go ahead and meet this person at an arranged social gathering. You also invite this person to a friends house for a party. At this juncture, aren't you allowed to assume that you can trust them by inviting them to sleep at your place after a tiring party night? Well, I did. But I took my beloved techies (Ippy, Lappy and Droidy) and my wallet close to me. As I often say, paranoia and grace have kept me these many twenty-something years.
What I didn't anticipate is one of my friends coming up with a macbook and keeping it next to him overnight with a stranger around. So in the morning the macbook has gone. And a phone from the next room and an external hard disk and some money from my friend's wallet. Ippy and Droidy might have gone but the good Lord made me paranoid enough to be a light (but easily satisfied) sleeper coz the thief tapped me to see if I was awake.
So my Sunday was wasted trying to trace them (without much success) and reporting the matter to the police station.
I felt disappointed. First, my friend trusted that my house is the sanctuary its always been, and suffered loss for that trust. Second, my house is my sanctuary. For every person who lives alone or with people they have chosen, home is a SANCTUARY - a place to go to when the whole world hates you, a place where no one can ask you why the world hates you. To be pilfered in your own sanctuary is a gross violation of some principal but as yet unnamed tenet. I now have so much more faith in humanity.
The cop wrote "markbook" - I cannot, at this point, figure out what words would express what I felt.
So, to remedy the day, I went to watch Thor in 3D. I'm a sci fi fan, so I loved it. The effects especially. The thing with sci fi movies, unless its Star Wars, we don't care for or expect much of a plot. Just throw in a good looking person, a responsible person, some kind of moral of the story and a good ending and we'll be content.
This weekend I had two opportunities to get back at two people who I think would have deserved it. The thing is, there are certain people who seem unable to resist me in person but can come up with all manner of nasty approaches online or on phone. These two fell into that category. So I randomly stumbled upon them, and did nothing, well, nothing much. Seems I could be, perhaps, in some dimensions related to this one, vaguely probably considered to slightly convince a few as to my possible ability to be, in all uncertain terms, nice.
Random thought - to a not so random week. I also find myself wondering what a specific someone is doing, whether they're having fun, with who, and generally whether all their toes are intact.
Friday, May 13
Thursday, May 12
Of madness and Bond
To more important matters. I'm watching James Bond Tomorrow Never Dies. Cars, gadgets, women, charm and Witt is what made a Bond movie. This new "Bond" (I don't care for his real name) doesn't have any of that. He's a tortured soul with little to offer Bond fans. We can get action anywhere. What we needed was a Bond after our hearts, like the others. Well, till next time then.
Wednesday, May 11
Please stop spreading rumors about me eating 9. I hear you and 9 get up to some really weird shit.
Sincerely, 7.
Wow, is that a coincidence or what. The old stupid joke that 6 fears 7 because 7 ate(8-for the fairly slow ones) 9 has been taken to a new level. And what a coincidence that the 69 sex position fits (pun right there) perfectly into the whole mix.
I know, I know. I'm taking it a bit too far.
Y'all visit and enjoy some intellectual humor.
Email Blogging
Tuesday, May 10
Freedom from reputation
I've just realized something. The last few months I've been groping in the dark not knowing what I've been looking for. I've been busy working hard to accomplish a goal I didn't fully appreciate. All I knew is when I'd fail to accomplish it. The feeling is bad. Must be what retards feel. There it is, there it is, there it is, oops, it's gone, but wait, what was it in the first place? Drool.
Thanks to a friend who just annoyed me I know what it is. Nothing like heightened emotion to give you an epiphany. I need freedom from my reputation. I've been told countless times about it, at times it's painted as a good reputation, at times a bad one. But always the same one. Well, to me it's bad. It means I don't have principles. Imagine me. Not having principles. What am I then? Aren't we the sum total of our beliefs which then form our principles which then dictate our actions?
First, acceptance. I won't deny the reputation and I'll even go as far as conceding that it has an element of truth. Undoubtedly it's exaggerated. I mean, real life is boring, let's stretch our imaginations, why don't we. But it's made up of a core of truth, painted by the prejudices of those with access to it, coated and layered by those without access who come to hear it, bloated by time and pampered to full erection by the mouths of those who tirelessly pay homage to it.
Then shame, anger and depression in quick succession. Never had much time for emotions.
Finally conviction and determination. I'll destroy the core truth of the reputation and pray that the whole structure crumbles. Undoubtedly it will take at least as much time to destroy as it took to build. But I will watch and wait, like that vulture in Sudan waiting for the malnourished child to die. I wonder what happened to the photographer of that sad tale.
I'll need to shed myself of a lot of trash. Also some useless acquaintances and even one or two negative friends. And fill in those gaps with newer ones who will be easier to control. I also need to distance myself from those participants who tempt me to give the reputation it's core truth. Yet another paragraph for the wise.
Rejoice universe, the cold one is making a comeback.
Random thought - The world is changed. I feel it in the water. I feel it in the earth. I smell it in the air. Much that once was is lost, for none now live who remember it.
Hard and sweaty business
Monday, May 9
The Philosophy of a Weekend
Thursday, May 5
Lets talk about sex
Wednesday, May 4
Tactful humility
Ok? And here are the two reactions I observed from the two culprits. The other advisor gives excuses and takes this hard stand saying he's not at fault. Come to think of it, this is how kids do it too. This aggravates the client further and his voice has become shaky. I call it embarrassing anger, you know, that one you know you're making an ass out of yourself but you don't care coz venting it feels just so damn sweet - kinda like taking a stubborn crapper, you don't even dare look at your phone at that point.
And my boss? He apologizes. This despite the fact that he has a flawless track record of attendance unlike the other chap.....except today of course. And he lays on the apology thick. You know those ones where the only option left is for the other person to say "it's ok". Yeah, that one. The client calms down, you can see the gauge falling, like when you switch off the car and they tumble smoothly from loss of potency (or even like how someone walks in on you when you're 'busy' and you go all flacid.
Then he proposes measures to take to ensure that it's convenient for everyone to meet without inconveniencing each other. Then he explains his lateness. The client is happy. The meeting starts.
I'm almost sure the meeting couldn't have taken off with those two going for each others' throats.
I have to say, my boss has it in him. I like my boss. He bought me a sandwich too.
And I like my housemate too for buying 20 litres of fuel for me.....or rather, on my behalf..... since I have to pay him back COG. I can breath easy.
Lesson learnt. Humility is not embarrassing if its tactful. And you need humility in business. Even the shrewdest businessman sucks up, a lot.
I'm left wondering if I have what it takes to make it big, in business. Can't I just buy some real estate on the moon and retire to making myself sandwiches?
Random thought - I know what blogging is - its talking to random people about topics you're passionate about oblivious, in most cases, to the reaction of their audience. Kinda like what street preachers do.
Tuesday, May 3
First, I'm running low on fuel, two traffic builds up as people rush to fuel stations. It takes me a blistering hour to cover a journey that takes ten to fifteen minutes. Then I can't fuel coz.....well, that's where all the traffic is headed. Then I get home and no lights, and I'm out of credit.
Then the ATM decides I should save and not spend by denying me my dues. I go back home to deal with my misery and my phone is running out of charge. I turn to the long-battery-life "Ippy" and it's at 25% - two and a half hours worth. So I decide to continue reading my current novel - Ramses, the Damned by Anne Rice. Guess what, I'd synced the iPad with a fresh install of iTunes and my novels are all gone. All of them. I'm as damned as Ramses, not as old though, but with the same passion for immortality (Remind me to discuss immortality one of these days, I have a thought or two on the subject).
Depression. Home alone with no lights, no charge, no credit, no novel, no fuel, no food and no money. Times you wish you'd made the move on that Neighbour a long time ago.
Most of these are resolved now. But it left me wondering at how dependent we are on volatile things. I guess this is where family comes in handy. Should I get married? Not yet, I've downloaded mahjong in case that happens again. Nice try tho.
Random thought. Screw you for outing me. Screw you, and a threesome too.
Blogs? says A blog is a personal diary. A daily pulpit. A collaborative space. A political soapbox. A breaking-news outlet. A collection of links. Your own private thoughts. Memos to the world. ..... whatever you want it to be. There are millions of them, in all shapes and sizes, and there are no real rules.
The point of all these definitions is that no one should question whats in a blog........unless they do it in a blog. That part of "whatever you want it to be" allows me to.
Anyway, my contention is that I find no value in your blog if its mere rantings. Give me your thoughts about something, however random, but once you make it "days of your lives" then I don't think its wise to pay attention. Nausea, by definition, is not appealing.
Having said all that, I think I approve of the use of blogs as emotional vents. If it reduces the psychological instability of the populace then great.
So here's my vent for the day. If being used makes you useful, why does it feel so damn lame? And are we allowed to be deliberately less useful or is purpose the sum total of our lives?
Random thought. I can post in blue. Vertigo is such a delightfully thrilling feeling.
Familiarity breeds contempt
Yes, that's the totality of this post. The saying, and a confirmation of my belief in its truth.
Random thought? Not so random today. People need to stop having serious expectations.
Monday, May 2
Random musings
Humans are by nature social beings. We can't stand being alone. And it's a tall order at times since we can be alone even in a crowd. The desire to associate, and be associated with is not quenched my mere physical proximity. I used to be better at this. I used to watch movies all alone and get lost in my thoughts of a world not anything like this, and even in that world I'd be alone. Alone but respected, admired and loved. Can't do that anymore. Always itching for company. Crap. Crap crappity crap.
On a less sad note, I started this sentence not knowing how I was going to end it. I suspect I'll become really good at thinking on my feet one day. Introducing created topics flawlessly. I hope it won't coincide with the loss of my innocence, my deeply rooted hate for lying.
Apart from "sacrifice" and "can you feel the love tonight", I've forwarded through Elton John's songs. His songs define melancholy.
Glass and black. Transparency and opaqueness. I like the contradiction. Just wait until I'm rich enough to hire an interior designer and still have money left over to buy what she recommends. Yes, must be a she. Don't ask why.
Sunday, May 1
Judges without verdict
Having said that, bad english grates me. Especially when it flaws good looks. If you look like rail track kill then I won't notice those errors. Flogging a dead horse? Ok, that's cruel. But seriously, it's a multistage process. First, looks. Then, posture, dressing and mannerisms followed by speech patterns and apparent intelligence. And it's a knockout type session.
Please note, I do not subscribe to the school of thought that people should only opine on topics which they have absolute command of. I think the concept of fair opinion counts. So forgive my many slip-ups, English is not native to me, it's the product of a system designed by lesser gods.
What does the world have against quiet people? I recently gave this some thought and this is my two cents on the matter (due to inflation, the aforementioned two cents may not be what they once were). Everyone judges, with brute efficiency we form opinions on things we have limited information about. And we proceed to act on presumptions and assumptions. And everyone is aware of this. It's why we dress up and learnt to speak and behave as we prefer to. Our preferences are dictated by our need to influence others opinion of ourselves.
So since we know others do it to us, and since we have a vested interest in the opinion formed, we itch to know how we've fared. Now here comes the connection. Quiet people don't betray their thoughts as readily as our benevolent-mouthed colleagues. So you know you've been judged, but don't know the verdict.
See how much a quiet person is distrusted in a crowd. It's akin to how a sober person is regarded by drunks. You feel observed n yet denied of a basic right, the right to open sentence. You subconsciously run a trial through your mind and unless your conscience is singed, the trial consumes you. Ish.
I like quiet people, they set everyone on edge and get them to quietly stew themselves.
Random thought - of late I've been mixing fruit juice and soda. What's that all about?
Online diaries cum blogs
First, something about not making this an online diary followed by a recap of the things I did yesterday and an oops about having just made this into a diary of a not so interesting personality. I mean, so I had a great wine evening, so some young but legal ones came to entertain us with not so traditional (actualy rather swaggerific) dance. So I got into bed at 6. Right about here came the oops.
Moving on to the more substantial observation. Social media has brought out innate human traits. I think this is what the good book calls the pride of life. The desperate desire to ensure our peers are aware of even minuscule social achievements. I suppose that's what made Facebook and twitter what they are today. Why tell one when you can broadcast to all. I say we need a CCK license to have Facebook and twitter accounts.
Random thought - Insipid. Cuddle. Liver. Don't ask.