Friday, June 24

50 Posts Later: Taking Stock

Today I have decided to take stock of my blog, for no apparent reason except common vanity and typical self involvement.

I started it in a huff in November 2010 with three posts in one month. After that I could have sworn (without the debilitating thought that lightning would come out of God's black and blue sky and smite me in the nether regions for swearing falsely) that I did not have a blog until some creepy young man came out of the woodwork and made me develop it into a habit. Creepy amazing young man. Few can influence habit in me, I am, admittedly, profoundly stubborn.

So on 24th April 2011, this journey begun again and I have consistently written at between 3 and 9 posts every darn week from that day. This week I felt inspired to beat the 9 post record, but after posting this, I need two more just to reach that record. And from past experience (as though experience could relate to anything other than the past) I don't do much posting over the weekend. So who's this who says I don't have a life?

My favourite posts are those written at the height of emotional distress (and for me, mental agony over a hurting knee can be regarded as emotional distress since I hardly take more material matters to heart). But strangely it would appear that the audience thinks otherwise. Now, having configured blogger statistics to not account for my own page views, the few stats on my page relate to external views only. This also means that the popular posts are also some sort of poll on what has been read the most.

Blogs???? That's the all time most popular? Freaky weird taste. And how did De Ja Beau rise to top 10 position overnight? At least the latter I'm proud of. The former was just me lashing out at my perceived emotional nature of the few blogs I was privy to. I have since learnt the devious nature of blogs and its ability to turn into an emotional upload opportunity.

My all time favourite posts - in no particular order are "the Selected Seven" (a shortlist of the TV characters who have most inspired me), "Chemistry: Table of Elements" (the post was inadvertently deleted but I converted it to a page), "Emotional Roadblocks (my first ever passionate post and auto-expose)", "Judges without Verdict" (a topic close to my heart), "8 classes of gay men" (not my own work) and "the Most Peculiar People I Know" (a shortlist of my most outstanding, not necessarily dearest, friends).

As promised, the topics are erratic and none of them deal with the "important" issues in society today. Its a blog, not a freaking magazine. I am not ashamed. At least 70% of the posts are born of some form of inspiration while the balance is made up on well thought out place fillers. There are a few rants, simply because I'm not perfect.

So there it is. My Blog. And after all this time I still have little idea of how long I will be able to maintain it before settling for two posts per year or altogether abandoning it.


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