Monday, June 6

The little things in life

Get your mind out of the gutter.

Shower gel - the hot water rolling down your body and a carefully chosen scent wafting into your nostrils. Sigh.

Signature Cologne - the concept of having a signature scent (that's not natural) and a mark left in the second-least common social sensory organ. They say smell makes for the strongest memories - one need look no further than animals to see the point.

Clean sheets and a shower before bed - some of the joys of being single.

Space - organized space. be it in the bedroom, living room, kitchen, office, car, parking, garden, restaurant or lounge. It's like the mind adopts the attitude of the space around it.

Medium sweet red wine - something about the balance between sweet and full bodied tantalizes the tongue, a bitter sweet and oh so flavored sensation in your mouth. Again, mind out of the gutter. Now add a matching flavor chocolate and suddenly you're alone in your own world. Bliss.

Hover - that's what I call that moment after "I'll have another" and "Oh shit, I'm high". That serene moment when you have all your faculties with you and yet you have this stupid smile on your face like you just finished doing something mildly embracing but fun.

Mid-night bungee - for crying out loud, mind out of the gutter. You know when you wake us and swear silently at the crack of dawn only to realize that you have a few more hours of sleep? Yeah, that's what I'm talking about. Guess what, you actually smile. Check next time it happens, if you remember.

Cuddling - some people hate it but they can bite me. Right now I can think of three people I'd cuddle with at a moments notice...none of them is fat, fat makes me sweat.

Chocolate - now you can tell this is not in order of preference. Oral orgasm. From rum and raisin to fruit and nut to Ferrero Roche. What used to be an intermittent craving is now a lifestyle.

Waking up to an empty house - and all the "not a morning person" people said AMEN. Just give us 1 hour and come back in, please.


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