Sunday, August 7

Saying NO

I know so many people who have a problem saying no.

Ok, I must confess, I do too. Especially when it comes to saying no to myself. But when it comes to saying no to people, that one I have mastered. It's a cruel art, making you look bitchy at best and downright troubled at worst but, like money, it's a necessary evil

My heart bleeds when I see people suffering as a consequence of not saying no at the right time. People so frequently get themselves into social conundrums due to their conscientious drive to be courteous, and inexorably, human beings around them adapt subliminally into pushing them to this limit knowing they will have their way if they hold out long enough.

Consistency and conciseness is the key to saying no, but then again, you must be sure you have the moral right to say no, otherwise your conscience will overrule you.

And with those few paragraphs, I condemn this post to drafts, until I'm inspired enough to develop it to something only slightly substandard or I'm desperate enough to post it as is. Ironically, this paragraph critiquing this post is the only one I like, in retrospect. Sigh, I should not have been too eager to start blogging.


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