Its an interesting 2nd week of leave. A few notables:
1. I've gone from meeting people to negotiate contracts whose only value proposition for the meeting was to highlight all my proposed changes and agree with them. It defeats the purposes of me having sent tracked changes on email. If you think its that they are averse to using technology to make life easy, you're wrong. He was reading the contract from his laptop. Sigh, the things we do for money. And then, we were to have a follow up meeting today and my efforts to confirm the meeting and its venue do not yield fruit. But that does not stop them from sending an email to tell me they were waiting for me all that time. I mean, I texted them and tried calling but nothing seemed to get their attention. I will sleep with a clear conscience knowing I tried.
2. I want someone but I've had to back down. Well, to be fair, my interest is not enough for me to defy the odds, and the odds seem to be stacked against me. Sigh, the things I refuse to do for love. I completely refuse to like someone who does not (or just lacks the courage) to like me back. Yes, I can refuse to like. It's not denying myself, or my feelings. Its like ignoring an itch until it goes away, once you master that art, your emotions tend to learn how to figure out they're fighting a loosing battle.
3. I'm suffering from aching body parts and reduced libido. That basically means this is a boring week, but in that specific sense, last week wasn't any different. But the end result is that, its Wednesday and I have only 2 official days of leave left. Of course I'm going back to the office in September, but those are details.
4. I have absolutely no inspiration to write, hence this half baked, lackadaisical post. I really need something to make me angry so I can post a good one, otherwise at this rate I'll take an extended leave from this biznaz.
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