Monday, September 19

Splurt splurt, I'm out!!!

Excerpts from potential posts I could have developed...

1. There I was, all prepped up and ready to do battle with my keyboard, to hunt through sites and links and search engines to get to that one coveted site that I recently heard about, ready to burn the midnight oil and take countless cups of coffee in a effort to keep the demons of sleep from taking shape, and then, poof, I found it. Without effort, without strain and even the bleakest hint of mental exertion I found the link to it. And to seal the deal, irony determined that I found it to be utterly irrelevant to my then very paralyzing desire. No, kind sir, this is not a quest for the perfect porn clip, I was just looking for an acquaintance's blog....

2. I played Oprah today, trying to reconcile two irrevocable warped personalities, both smirking with pride and ego. It didn't work. I don't understand people well enough. I can't manipulate people as well as I would like to. Sigh, if only this world was like a PS2, I'd have grown tired of it and switched it off.....

3. Epiphany. No, nothing related to constipation as first thoughts would suggest. I finally know how world war  III is going to start. Everyone's inbox threads and texts on every social network are going to become publicly available to their friends (and enemies). My goodness, you know the bible does say there will be silence in heaven for half a hour during the end time? I betcha it's coz everyone will be reading and getting emotional thrust for heinous acts of revenge. Grievous bodily harm will be the order of the day. What else can the bible mean when it says "brother against brother, friend against friend" (that one is paraphrased coz I don't have my bible handy and I don't feel like opening a whole new tab just to Google a bible verse for your heatheny asses)....

4. You know why I remove people from my online list? It's because every once in a while, I forget why I chose not to talk to you and then I open your chat window and type a big "HELLO" before facebook has the sense to load previous conversations. I hope to Blog that you didn't have the window open and Facebook all so gossiply tells you that I'm typing. Most of the time my mind and reflexes keep me from hitting the enter key before I realize the error of my ways. I wonder what I'd say if I remember my problem with you after sending you a hello and a smiley to boot....

It's not that I don't have inspiration, its that I have that condition which, if it was to be applied to bedroom performance, would be the source of serious social stigma. You know what I'm talking about......if not, take IQ classes and re-read the post topic. Sigh, I'll do this the corporate way and set up a committee to investigate the way forward.


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