Sunday, July 31

End July Rants

I've been reading Harry Potter fan fiction (don't judge me, everyone has a problem with letting go) and from the many stories I've sampled or completed, I came to realize that the essence of a good story is not really in it's plot, at least not for me, but rather in how well the characters are developed and how much I can identify with them, positively or negatively. And yeah, that's one sentence. Fortunately, this is a blog and I don't have to worry about developing characters. I can write what I damn well feel like.

We all get irritated by the weaknesses of others, especially when we regard them as basics, but what I find puzzling is those of us who critic something in which we ourselves are, rather obviously, not good at. Please people, if you want to set yourself as having a command of, say English, do try and make an effort to use it well. We have google nowadays for a quick spell and meaning check. So no excuses, either give us a disclaimer that you weren't taught well, or make an effort to defy your teachers. My disclaimer is this, I'm ambitious in the use of punctuation marks, and frequently stretch the meaning of words to beyond common endurance, and I do not speak half as ok as I write.

Pusillanimous. Someone told me about this word. It's an aversion for risk, and in a social setting can include commitment issues. However, if (and a lot hinges on this word) the stakes are high enough, risk can be justified. I'm pusillanimous.

Of malls and school holidays. That is all.


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